Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Land is Your Land, This Blog is My Land...

Everyday it seems there is a new "it" blog to read. Someone, somewhere has posted something that MUST be seen  because it is so outrageous, it won't be on the web for long.

I hope to challenge this thinking, and get back to the basics- genuinely amazing scientific discoveries that are applicable to the challenges we face today, and the obstacles that will present themselves tomorrow.

Specifically, I am currently researching  the biochemical responses phosphate starvation elicits in plants. It is estimated that usable phosphate will be completely depleted by 2100, if not sooner. Phosphorus is a plant/crop nutrient that unfortunately cannot be renewed. Scientists around the world will have to ban together to discover a solution to either significantly decrease our phosphate fertilizer application, or design crops that are able to grow in moderate to low phosphate conditions.

My hope for this blog is to primarily concentrate on the current research being conduct on crops and plants in low phosphate conditions. However, I am quite aware that there are other non-renewable resources that are being depleted at rapid rates across our planet that need just as much scientific attention such as fossil fuels.

I want this blog to spark controversy and open lines of communication. I want this blog to educate, without being preachy. But most importantly, I want this blog to instill the importance of a variety of scientific fields, whether it's evolutionary ecology, microbiology or genetics, coming together to conquer the problems our planet must combat.

Stay tuned...

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